Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New tamas

Today my new tama came in the post. It is the newest version called tamagotchi friends. A month ago I bought another tamagotchi called Keitai tamagotchi on eBay. It was in bad condition but I still bought it because I was desperate to get the tama. They are both very demanding and constantly disturbing me from what I am doing. The Keitai tamagotchi is pink and the tamagotchi friends is blue. Now that I have the tamagotchi friends I can get a fortune cookie in the new tamagotchi virtual world. The virtual world is very good and I REALLY recommend it. It is called tamagotchi friends dream town. Now that I have the new there is constantly beep beep beep all the time. I love my new tamas and they are really fun.

Here is a photo of a tamagotchi friends. It is just a photo I found on the internet NOT my tama. It looked just like mine so I put it on the blog. By the way I do not have that character.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sunday, October 28, 2012

1 month tama party

today is the first day of the 1 month tama party. if you have been on my other blog called i love tamagotchi last year you may of seen the 1 mnth tama party there. the one month tama party is about doing fun thins with our tamas and having a party with them. this month is going to be a fun time with our tamas!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

tamagotchi v3 instructions

when you get your tamagotchi v3 you need to pull the paper arrow out of the side. once you have done that an egg will appear  on the screen. then press button B (the middle button) then a digital clock will apear on the screen. set the time and date using button A (the first button) to scroll button B to select. then once you have set the time and date press button B to set your user name. use button A to scroll and button B to select. then you will see the egg again. wait 2 minutes then it will hatch. then it will tell you if it is a boy or girl. then name your tamagotchi using button A to scroll and button B to select. then once you have done that you will have a tamagotchi baby. next feed your tamagotchi. go to the second icon with a picture of a chef and select it. then feed it 5 meals and 5 snacks. when ever you want to do something with your tamagotchi press button A to scroll through the icons press button B to select and button C (the last one) to cancel. then if your tamagotchi gets ill gothe the medicon icon and press it after that if your tamagotchi is still ill you press it again. then your tamagotchi will take nap. go to the light icon to turn out the light. soon your tamagotchi will wake up. then soon it will cry go to the first icon on the bottom row to praise it. then it will stop crying. soon after that they will change in to a child. then continue to look after it. at night your tamagotchi will sleep. go to the light icon to turn the light out. in the morning it will wake up. when your tamagotchi is 5-10 days old the machmaker will appear and offer you someone to marry. choose yes or no. then once your tamagotchi has got married it will have a baby. your tamagotchi will leave the child in 2 days at midnight. watch out! the matchmaker will only stay 10 seconds and if you miss it it will never come back again. if your tamagotchi dies press a and c at the same time you will get another egg. changing the battery. screw the bachof the tamagotchi and replace the battery then screw the back on. then you will hear a loud beep. coose reset to start again or download to keep your old tamagotchi. if you reset your friends list, memory, time, date and character will be erased.